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How to solve the positive and negative error of electronic tension machine

Electronic tension machine is an important equipment in the study of non-metallic materials mechanics, but there are many types of electronic tension machine, different electronic tension function to meet different measurement needs. But no matter what type of non-metallic tensile testing machine, there will be errors in the measurement, so people will go through many experiments to determine the accurate value.

By using the method of multiple experiments, the error rate of the measured value can be avoided and the error can be reduced. However, in the measurement process, there is often a positive and negative difference. If the electronic tension machine has a positive and negative difference in the measurement process, how to solve it? The technicians of Yangzhou Xintianhui will introduce the positive and negative error solution of the electronic tension machine in detail.

1. When the electronic tensile machine is verified, when the testing machine indicates a positive or negative error, the testing machine indicates a value and the corresponding standard force value are generally corrected. However, it should be noted that the artificial correction should not be too random, but should be corrected according to the actual situation.

2, when the indicating error is negative error, and is linear. First of all, at the time of verification, the actual error value of each detection point should be recorded, and then when the measurement is calibrated again, the standard force value of each standard point is the standard force value minus the actual error value, which can be adjusted. For example: when the standard force value is 200KN, its error is -4.2KN, in the calibration, when the display is 195.8KN, it is necessary to confirm the key and enter the value.

3, when the value error is positive error, and linear. Using the negative error method, when calibration, the standard force value of each standard point is changed to the standard force value plus the actual error value, and then input, it can be adjusted.

4, if the value error, whether it is positive or negative error, is not linear, it needs to be calibrated by the above method, and then calibrated by the conventional method, it can be adjusted.

In fact, the error of the electronic tension machine measurement as long as it is the above, no matter which one can be adjusted to obtain accurate values. If you encounter any of the above error problems when measuring, you can use this method to solve. However, it is still necessary to pay attention to recording data when measuring, and do not overlook details.

上一篇:Test object and standard description of falling ball impact testing machine
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